As has been the same - we know the function of TCP / IP in a network is set up and take the package - the package data from a host computer to a host of other packages and to ensure the truth - that the data packet will be sent to. Function in a network TCP / IP is so important because it is a control from a network that connects between a computer with others in the Internet network.
But apparently the TCP / IP can be attacked by out of the hands is not responsible in the virtual world through a common attack, namely through a DOS attack (Denial of Services), so that if eg we will send the data over the Internet to someone who brought a TCP / IP protocol as the transmission could be attacked by the hackers responsible ga, sehinigga data to be submitted before we can be known by it, can even find out information on our computer. Head ... .. not!
Of course we want to ga when sending data or email to someone, that can be known by others, but do not worry, there was way better so that we can strengthen the TCP / IP settings through our computer registry, because the computer by default we set the function to settingan TCP / IP. Here's how - how that should be done to strengthen the TCP / IP computer us:
1. Go to Run>> then type regedit.
2. After the registry window opens, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL _MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ TCPIP \
3. So that will open the image as follows:
4. Then create some new DWORD value (I have not) using the edit menu click on the registry>> new>> DWORD value, and create a name and setting the data value of each such as the following:
- EnableDeadGWDetect (give the value of the data value: 0)
- EnableCMPRedirect (give the value of the d
ata value: 0)
- EnablePMTUDiscovery (give the value of the data value: 0)
- KeepAliveTime (give value value: 300000)
- NoNameReleaseOnDemand (give the value
of the data value: 1)
- PeformRouterDiscovery (give value value: 0)
- SynAttackProtect (give the value of the data value: 2)
Then close the registry window and please before we restart the computer, so that we settingan fox earlier work. Nah ... we automatically computers is diprotect
of DOS attacks that may threaten our computer ..
Happy trying .. and might be useful .... ... Thanx :-)
Note ... (IMPORTANT!)
For attention ... if we change the registry should be car
eful, if we do not understand what you need to change, never tried to work especial registy computer, because windows can mrngakibatkan system is broken ... you damaged a nuisance I do .. ^ ^
We have had to repair windows me-even the worse I kerusakannya, forced to reinstall deh not troublesome ... ...?
To that end before we want to play with the windows registry, you should do the first back-up registry files, the way is as follows:
1. Open the windows registry, how can I just ... Run>> regedit>> OK
2. Setela opens, click the menu File>> export ... like following picture:
We can edit the registry with our quiet, so eg an error occurred in the setting, we can restore the file - the file that has been our registry backup before. With a 2x click the backup file we dilokasi before we save them, and after that we will be asked if you want to add files to tesebut in settingan registry, click Yes. Files and registry we can return as more ..
Hopefully useful .... ^ _ ^
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